Today's post comes to my mind because of two reasons. First lately when I've been going out socializing I've found myself smiling at someone I'm talking to and I'm really interested in what he/she's saying (okay you got me, most of the times it's a she who's talking). So I've realized that sometimes I'm so into what they're saying that I feel a smile on my face before I can even think about smiling. And I've also seen it happen the other way around and I must say it's a clear indicator that you're doing great, a genuine smile is much more than an IOI (Indicator of Interest) as it is called in the seduction community, a genuine smile shows connection and if you're feeling it you can be sure you're gonna be making a new friend/ lover etc... in no time, and it's gonna be real.
The second reason is that I see too many blog posts and people talking about how to smile, when to smile, and a lot of advice saying to practice your smiles in front of a mirror to find which one fits you the best and so you get used to do it in your everyday life. Some of this advice suggests to always be smiling while others say to just smile when you're talking or in silences. While there's some truth in some of this it should be taken carefully ( Myself I used to believe a lot of this advice not so long ago. But I can tell you I've never stood in front of a mirror to practice my smile.)
Maybe you've seen the new series "V" or "the visitors", (a series about some aliens that want to rule the earth and infiltrate humanity by claiming they come in peace and to help us with their technology), I haven't but I've been bombarded on TV with trailers about it for months and I can remember the first time I saw Anna (The visitor's leader) saying they came at peace and then making a big forced smile.
"Yeah right!" The moment I saw it I didn't believed it for one second.
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Would you believe her? Well I don't! |
Instead this guy might not have the most beautiful smile, still he feels more genuine and warm, he's in the moment. |
The point I want to make, maybe you already have an idea about where I'm going, is that a genuine smile is worth ten thousands time more than a faked or an overdone smile. If you find yourself worrying too much as to when to smile, if she talking and you're not smiling or if she is talking and you're smiling but you shouldn't be or my favorite "My smile looks bad, what should I do to make it look nicer?"
Maybe I'm gonna sound a bit crazy, and I hope so I've been working very hard to seem crazy :D, but what if you just get out of your head for a moment and be in the moment, just be in the conversation and if you find yourself smiling you can be sure it's gonna look great! why? because when you genuinely smile you're not only smiling with your mouth, your whole face lightens up. Again take a look at the pictures, while Owen Wilson smiles with his whole face, our poor attempt to fool humans into surrender is just using her mouth and has a face expression that results suspicious.... her smile isn't real.
Think back in time and you'll probably remember a situation when you were having a conversation with a cute girl and she had the most beautiful smile. I bet that smile was subconscious, I also bet that made you feel great, got you even more interested in her and took some pressure out of the way.
A genuine smile is your ticket to paradise while a forced smile might be the end of the road for you. Just try smiling when you feel like it and if you don't well just do what you feel, sometimes the best thing to do is to be serious when the situation calls for it. Just flow with the moment and you'll be having fun, and let me say one thing: fun is sexy and fun is attractive.
A genuine smile is hypnotic, let it flow and you'll be smiling more frequently, to end this post I'll only say that if you want to smile more don't try to change your smile, instead enjoy yourself and be happy and you'll find yourself throwing genuine smiles more frequently without even realizing, but don't complain to me once all the ladies are over you sharing their stories and having the time of their lives with you!