I have a theory that all this pickup stuff comes down to leading. leading by telling her that you like her and what you want to do about it. As long as the girl likes you (i.e. approves of you vs. disapproves) she will follow your lead for anything. if you lead her into sexual talk, she will follow cause she likes you. if you lead her into frendship zone, she will follow cause she likes you. girls will rarely take the inititive to steer the interaction, especially into the sexual realm.. thats why some of us guys in the community only got a few girls in hs, we got the ones that liked us enough to lead us into a relationship because we were too lame to do it ourselves.
Ever since that day I stopped blaming other people, (and fate, bad luck or whatever else you might believe in) and I took responsibility for my own failures.
Today I can only say I completely share his opinion, as long as you're leading your life in the direction you want you can't go wrong, if you want a sexual relationship with a woman (and by sexual I don't mean sex I mean intimate) then you have to lead it there. However this leading philosophy also applies to any social activity you try (namely social groups, close friends, work companions...).
I just talked about taking responsibility about our failures, that's very important but the way we see failure is just as important! Actually failure isn't an obstacle, an end line or an indicator that you're just not made to succeed, it will only mean it if you let it mean it.
Failure is a learning experience, one that we have to go through repeatedly to achieve success! Actually the best teacher you'll find out there (and the best one I've found) is named "Trial & Error", I still take my most important lessons from him... but that's a topic that deserves a post for itself and that post will be coming soon!
I've also got a series of guest bloggers, most of them are fellow Sexual Gentlemen so stay tuned for some great articles!
Sexual Gentleman & Dark Horse
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